Rules for Writing Papers
1. Papers can be presented in Turkish, Arabic, English, Russian and Spanish.
2. Papers have to be about the announced main topic and sub-topics.
3. Papers should be in accordance with the general framework of the views of Risale-i Nur and Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. Comparative studies will also be considered appropriate.
4. Papers should not have been submitted or published anywhere before.
5. Papers should make contribution to the literature.
6. The scientific qualifications of the study must be proficient.
7. Among the presented papers, those deemed appropriate will be published in International Journals, Katre and en-Nur.
8. All papers submitted to the symposium are going to be published in the Symposium Proceedings.
1. The maximum number of pages for the papers is limited to 15 pages (including tables, figures and references).
2. The main title of the article should be in capital and bold letters; subtitles should be written in small bold letters with the initials in capital.
3. the name-surname of the author should be written under the main title; the author's academic title, institution information, and e-mail should be written in the footnote.
4. At the beginning of the paper, there should be an abstract of 150-200 words. The abstract should fully reflect the content of the paper. The papers which are written in other languages than English, must have the English abstract as well.
4. Key words consisting of at least 5 and at most 8 words must be given under the abstract.
5. The size of the page should be A4 size and the margins should be 2,5 cm from all sides.
6. Text must be written in Times New Roman. Main title, sub-titles and main text should be written in 11 fonts; Turkish and English abstracts and bibliography in 10 fonts; footnotes in 9 font characters with single line spacing.
6. Direct quotations should be given in quotation marks. Quotations less than 3 lines must be given in the paragraph; Quotations longer than 3 lines should be written 1 cm from the left of the line, in block form and with single line spacing and font size is 10 fonts.
7. “APA” or “ISNAD Citation (2nd Version) system should be used in references, footnotes and bibliography.
8. References used in the article should follow either one of the two citation styles of ISNAD (2ND EDITION) and APA.
Authors sending their articles for publication should follow the notes for references at: